Yeller is a

Clojure Exception Tracker

Shipping bugs really sucks

These bugs made it past your test suite, past your reasoning about the system, past your careful manual checking and into your customers' hands.

So, once you know about a bug, you need to fix it as fast as possible. This means you need to find out exactly what happened, with all the useful and relevant information at your fingertips.

Yeller is written in Clojure, so it fully understands JVM exceptions. It's built on top of distributed systems, there's no single point of failure in it's architecture, and the 99th percentile on the api handler is a screaming 4ms.

Track your Exceptions

Yeller tracks the exceptions your customers hit in production so you can fix them faster.

We ship a Ring middleware out of the box, but you can send exceptions yourself as well

Yeller's Clojure client is fully open source, and there are detailed install instructions on in the documentation site.

;; use our ring middleware
(yeller.clojure.ring/wrap-ring my-handler {:token "YOUR TOKEN HERE"
                                           :environment "production"})

;; or ship exceptions yourself
(def client (yeller/client {:token "YOUR API TOKEN HERE"}))
(yeller/report client my-exception
  {:custom-data {:additional-params {:here 1}}})

All the details

Yeller grabs all the relevant context from your exceptions, so you can figure out what went wrong quickly.

  1. The full type and error message
  2. The full stacktrace - nothing trimmed here
  3. Full context from the place the error happened (for HTTP requests, this includes params, cookies, and so on. For background jobs, this might include the job parameters)

Automatic Diagnosis

Yeller automatically investigates each of your exceptions across every time they happen, and picks out any unique piece of context

Find out about exceptions that were:

  • Caused by one of your servers behaving badly
  • Isolated to an individual customer
  • Or any other piece of data you can think of

Suspect deploy

Most exceptions in production are caused by code changes.

Yeller can track your deploys, and highlight the deploy that likely caused the exception you're debugging.

If you use github, Yeller will even link to a diff of what was deployed, so you can see what changed immediately.

Start your free 30 day trial now

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